Every Thing
wants to be Online

What is IoT?

In a developing and changing world, machines and software are increasingly obligated to work with a higher level of integration. With the Industry, 4.0 revolutions, the objects and software we currently use are now helping businesses collect the data they want and need, from the field.

The collected data is being transformed into useful information, with helpful solutions such as Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, and artificial intelligence. It has opened the a world to many benefits in such a short time.

B2BDev.net is aware that in this developing world, objects must be used to generate benefits, not just data. Therefore, we support you with the installation of objects to the field, for you or your customers. Evaluating the communication needs on-site and transforming the data into beneficial information, and keeping it safe.

At every step of the IoT journey, B2BDev.net is ready to provide you with any kind of support you need. Field setup, data collection, data security and special reports. B2Bdev.net has the relevant infrastructure to produce local solutions for all kinds of hardware and software with its partners in North America and Europe.

Why IoT?

  • Provides businesses with a real-time insight into their systems 

  • Converts plain devices to smart devices, allowing them to communciate and share data

  • Allows faster decisions and predict failures before they happen

  • Integrates  a sea of sensors  with mobile applications and cloud platforms, solving complex problems such as traffic lights control, home automation, industrial process optimization or system alerts

  • Offers operational efficiency, manages costs, eliminates human intervention and guarantees system performance


B2B Development Network works with IoT developers and innovators all over the world. We strive to bring data together in a way that can be useful to you as a business.

Fleet management, to warehouse automation. All being brought together to simplify and streamline your business.

Contact us today for more information on our IoT services